Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Earth Day, Friends of Carrie and the Earth!
One of the best things we can do to help preserve and protect the planet on a large scale is to take action when there is an opportunity to make our voices heard.
I am posting a couple of links in this blog where there are important petitions that we can sign to help raise a unified voice against nuclear power generating plants. Please join me and these organizations, and remember to check back with the groups I mentioned in my previous post about reliable organizations we can trust for accurate information, like NIRS and Beyond Nuclear, Physicians for Social Responsibility and Union of Concerned Scientists. Friends of the Earth, The Sierra Club, and Natural Resources Defense Council are all taking stands against nuclear.

Here is the link to a petition from Friends of The Earth who are trying to prevent the NRC from licensing the new design of reactor that is being proposed for Georgia and other southern states and has never been tested, and has several safety concerns while still on the drawing board!

This petition comes from a group in Japan who is working fervently to stop nuclear power and has been fighting the good fight since long before the Fukushima tragedy occurred.
Please help the people of Japan and stand together with people of conscience worldwide with this petition to call for an end to nuclear power generation. The Japanese people have seen firsthand what most of us have thankfully never had to witness. Let's make sure this never happens again! Solidarity now.

Please remember the simple but mighty daily actions that add up and so make a difference collectively - recycle everything you can, reuse everything you can, plant trees and flowers and veggies and fruit, conserve water and electricity, and just try in every way to be the best earthling you can be!
Our Mother will thank us for it!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lots of news today to share with you!

Hi everyone,
I have seen so many news stories recently that I would like to be sure folks get a chance to see, so I am going to post the links here for you to check out. Please take a look as your time permits. There are so many things to keep up with and there is some good news too!
Thanks and we love you all!

"Thank You Carrie Dickerson!"
"Green Energy - Because the Only Safe Reactor is 93 Million Miles Away!"

I would like to thank the folks at Roundtree 7 blog on Wordpress for these great articles.
I will be watching them for more good info! Check them out and leave a comment to tell them we appreciate their work.

"Battle of the Grids" A free report from Greenpeace

Nuclear industry unraveling?

Great solar news!

The People stand up together!!

and one more - blowing the tops off the mountains is NOT OK!!!
(and there's no such thing as clean coal, anyhow!)
"Mountaintop Removal - An American Tragedy"

These are probably just a drop in the bucket - there are a lot of news stories streaming out of Japan - the evacuation area is growing larger, the disaster may be upgraded to a "7" which is the worst possible nuclear disaster we have encountered (created)...but please keep telling people about solar and wind, about efficiency and conservation, and about how the health of the people and the health of the planet is more important than any other consideration! We cannot give up and we are all in this together!! Thank you!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Carrie Was Right!!

Hi Friends of the Foundation,
There is so much news about the tragedy in Japan and the situation is so devastating, I feel that the best thing I can do here is to give you links to the groups we trust the most to keep you informed and updated in real time with honest information that is not trying to deceive the public about how grave the danger is - not only in Japan, but as the plumes of radioactivity continue to rise and blow around the world. Please visit these factual and honest organizations and people:

The Nuclear Information and Resource Service

Beyond Nuclear

The Union of Concerned Scientists

Physicians for Social Responsibility

Ace Hoffman, journalist and analyst, as well as educational software developer

"For the late Professor John Gofman, a senior figure in the US Atomic Energy Commission until he saw what was happening and resigned, famously said: "the nuclear industry is waging a war against humanity." This war has now entered an endgame which will decide the survival of the human race. Not from sudden nuclear war. But from the on-going and incremental nuclear war which began with the releases to the biosphere in the 60s of all the atmospheric test fallout, and which has continued inexorably since then through Windscale, Kyshtym, 3-Mile Island, Chernobyl, Hanford, Sellafield, La Hague, Iraq and now Fukushima, accompanied by parallel increases in cancer rates and fertility loss to the human race." From one of Ace's latest newsletters, a quote from Chris Busby. Full article is here :

Let no one convince you otherwise, there is no solution, and there will never be a solution to the waste, nor to a disaster like this one. This is a sad and terrible lesson and if we don't learn it now, we are destined to see it happen again. I cannot fathom how anyone could even begin to consider risking such an eventuality. Please make your voices heard at every opportunity. We are the people and we must demand right action and right decisions from the governments and industries that would sacrifice even little children for the sake of profit and unsafe technologies. Thank you! Carrie would be leading the charge if she were here. We must remember her courage and bravery and do the same. Peace.